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###Wecom is a company dedicated to providing services and solutions in the energy and environmental sector. Its mission is to promote sustainable development through innovation and the adoption of responsible business practices. In line with this vision, Wecom has embraced the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) program and has obtained the Green Certificate, demonstrating its commitment to environmental sustainability. In this text, we will explore how Wecom is sensitive to the ESG program and how the Green Certificate reflects its commitment to sustainability.
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###The ESG program is a strategic approach that evaluates a company’s behavior in three fundamental dimensions: the environment, social aspects, and corporate governance. Wecom recognizes that these three dimensions are closely interconnected and that the long-term success of the company depends on the responsible management of each of them.
Environment: Wecom is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its activities. This includes promoting energy efficiency, sustainable resource management, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Green Certificate attests to the adoption of eco-friendly practices and the commitment to preserving the environment for future generations.
Social Aspects: Wecom acknowledges the importance of relationships with employees, customers, local communities, and other stakeholders. The company promotes diversity, inclusion, and workplace safety. Furthermore, it contributes to the well-being of the communities where it operates through social initiatives and corporate social responsibility programs.
Corporate Governance: Strong governance is essential to ensuring transparency, integrity, and accountability in business operations. Wecom adopts rigorous corporate governance practices, ensuring responsible management and proper resource allocation.

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###The Green Certificate is a recognition that attests to Wecom’s adherence to sustainability standards. This certificate reflects the company’s commitment to operating responsibly and making a positive contribution to the environment and society. To obtain the Green Certificate, Wecom must demonstrate the achievement of specific goals related to the ESG dimensions.

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